Given the growing complexity and frequency of cyber and hacking attacks on banking and financial service customers, we have put together some helpful points to keep in mind when to ensure you keep you Raisin Account and savings secure.
If you ever need to get in contact with us urgently, we have a dedicated Irish customer care phone line. If you wish to speak to one of our agents, simply give us a call on +353 1 5461020 from Monday to Friday, 11am to 3pm.
- You will never be prompted to transfer funds to an account that isn't your Raisin Account.
- We will never contact you to convince you to sign up for a savings deposit product or to request you make a transfer. All transactions are made by you in your Raisin Account.
- Only you can withdraw funds to your Nominated account, our customer service agents can not action this.
- Your Raisin Bank IBAN is unique to you. If you have any doubts about the transfer process, you can make a transfer for as little as €1 as a test before deciding to make any larger investments.
- Our official customer service email address is - our official website is Any communication claiming to be Raisin that doe snot used these details should be treated with the highest levle of scrutiny and should be reported to our customer service team.
- All transactions made through your Raisin Account are backed up by an additional security step of entering a mobile verification code that is sent to your registered mobile phone number. These codes are generated by our system, a customer service agent will never provide a code. You should never share these codes with anyone.
More General tips:
Unrealistic interest rates: Be extremely cautious when encountering offers that promise significantly above-average returns. These often appear on imitation websites mimicking legitimate providers.
Suspicious account requests: Always be wary if a provider asks you to set up a new account in addition to your existing one, transfer funds to a different account, or use different bank details. This is especially suspicious if there is a sense of urgency or pressure. Be equally cautious if personal or financial information is requested.
Spelling and grammatical errors: Be vigilant if websites or emails appear to be machine-translated, contain spelling errors, or are poorly written. Emails may also have cryptic senders or incorrect spellings of the provider’s name.