We are deeply concerned about the current situation in Ukraine. Many people are being affected and we understand the concerns of our customers. We are closely monitoring any news.
Currently, we have no information indicating that the situation may affect existing investments through Raisin Bank. It is important for our customers to know that we only offer fixed term deposits from banks with a banking licence within the European Union. Neither Ukraine nor Russia are members of the European Union.
The Baltic states of Estonia and Latvia, as well as Poland and Bulgaria, where some of Raisin Bank's partner banks are located, are members of the European Union. All deposits in EU banks are protected by the Deposit Guarantee Scheme of the respective countries up to a maximum amount of €100,000 per customer per bank.
If necessary, all our customers will receive updates on this topic by email or in their Online Banking.
For any further queries, you can contact our Customer Service at service@raisin.ie.